Thursday, January 22, 2009

The First Two Pages

Note to the reader: I use code-names for the people I write about, to protect their privacy.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I have a terrible cough. (I think I picked it up while in Baguio…it’s FREEZING there!) When I woke up today, at about 7.30, I found out I couldn’t speak easily. What a way to start a day! That means my usual ritual of singing in the shower would have to stop for a few days, and I can’t eat any frozen desserts…which means bye-bye to ice cream and frozen yogurt, until this is over. NOOOOOO!!!!!

Ahem. Anyway, my cousins are staying here for vacation, and yes, bugging me about Kashikun. They’ve been at it nonstop for about 2 days already, and the incident took place TWO WEEKS ago! (and right now, as I’m typing this, they’re still at it.) But quite honestly, though I’m extremely annoyed, I find it amusing that they actually pay attention to what we were doing during movie night. What I don’t find amusing, however, is that he and I are in a bit of a pickle with the Royal Family. Dun-dun-dun-dunnnnnn. It’s okay with me for me to be in a mess- I‘m pretty used to it, but NO @#$%NG WAY am I letting him get in trouble because of me.

In other news, I’m getting my ear pierced next week. I asked Eros (who is, as far as I know, still single after the ‘Raven’ incident) to do it for me. Well, she did pierce her own ears, so I think she’s got experience in the area. She has experience in a lot of other areas as well. Other than that, I’m dreading going back to school. I have two scripts that still need to be finished, a commercial to shoot, and to top it off, I’ll have to deal with the Cliques again. Ugh.

Blah-blah-blah. So, yeah. I’m still enjoying being in the Clan, and we’re multiplying very quickly. I checked my Contacts earlier, and, as it turns out, there are about FIFTY of us now. Woah. Looks like my fellow Vampires have been showing their fangs!

That's all for now, Ciao!


Monday, January 05, 2009

I'm bored. Kashikun hasn’t called yet, so I’m pretty sure he’s already sleeping. (Truth be told, I think the guy sleeps longer than I do…and I’m the class Shimizu!) I didn’t get to have my ear pierced, since I forgot to tell Eros (who is back to her normal, sunny, multi-timing self) about it.

Speaking of, she told us (me and Mommie) today that her little girl cousin is dead. I think it’s either brain trauma or something like that. I remember hearing Eros say she slipped into a coma and slept her eternity. They cremated her, and all that’s left is the metal piece they put into her leg when it broke…poor girl, and not even 10 years old…

Wait. I just realized that all I seem to hear about nowadays are deaths, deaths, and sicknesses. A few months back, Mrs. Lineses and her son died in that boat accident. She was a T.L.E teacher, but I didn’t know her that well. Now, during T.L.E today our teacher told us about the recent death of Mrs. Mendoza. When Kashikun phoned me a day after the incident, he had already told me about it, but I didn’t know which Mendoza he was talking about. I heard Miss Mendoza, so I thought he was talking about our Math teacher! How stupid of me! But when he told me she wasn’t it, that it was an elementary school teacher, I was a bit reassured. I didn’t know a single Mendoza in the elem. dept…

Then we were told that it was our old Speech Class teacher. My bubble of reassurance was popped. “Not Ma’am Jean!” I remember thinking. I mean, Why must the good die young?! She was pretty too, for someone with teenage children. Tsk. Tsk. So many lives lost. Oh, I haven’t mentioned yet that Kashikun’s class adviser is confined too, have I? Well, she is. Cancer of the pancreas, if I remember correctly.

Haix. What a way to start the new year…Ciao!
